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text processing/markup/xml
docbook-xsl-java -
Java extensions for DocBook XSL
docbook-xsl-java-saxon -
SAXON extensions for DocBook XSL
docbook-xsl-java-xalan -
Xalan extensions for DocBook XSL
docbook-xsl-saxon -
DocBook Saxon Extensions
dom4j -
dom4j-jarjar -
JarJar of dom4j for JBoss
jasperreports -
Report-generating tool
java2html -
Java to HTML converter
jettison -
JSON StAX Implementation
jibx -
JiBX is a framework for binding XML data to Java objects.
msv -
Multischema Validator
msv-relames -
msv-rngconv -
msv-xmlgen -
msv-xsdlib -
nanoxml -
NanoXML is a small XML parser for Java
nanoxml-javadoc -
Javadoc for nanoxml
nanoxml-lite -
Lite version of nanoxml
nanoxml-manual -
Manual for nanoxml
nanoxml-manual-lite -
Manual for the lite version of nanoxml
piccolo -
Small fast XML parser
saxon -
Java XSLT processor
saxon-aelfred -
Java XML parser
saxon-demo -
Demos for saxon
saxon-jdom -
JDOM support for saxon
saxon-scripts -
Utility scripts for saxon
saxon7 -
Java XSLT processor
saxon7-demo -
Demos for saxon7
saxon7-jdom -
JDOM support for saxon7
saxon7-manual -
Manual for saxon7
saxon7-scripts -
Utility scripts for saxon7
saxon7-sql -
SQL support for saxon7
saxon8 -
Java Basic XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0, and XQuery 1.0 implementation
saxon8-demo -
Demos for saxon8
saxon8-dom -
DOM support for saxon8
saxon8-jdom -
JDOM support for saxon8
saxon8-scripts -
Utility scripts for saxon8
saxon8-sql -
SQL support for saxon8
saxon8-xom -
XOM support for saxon8
saxon8-xpath -
XPATH support for saxon8
tagsoup -
SAX-compliant parser written in Java that parses HTML as it is found in the wild: nasty and brutish
textmining -
Textmining Extractors
ws-commons-XmlSchema -
XmlSchema Object Model
ws-commons-axiom -
AXIOM XML infoset model for Apache Axis2
ws-commons-neethi -
Apache Neethi WS-Policy implementation
ws-commons-policy -
Web Services Commons - WS-Policy implementation
ws-fx-addressing -
WS-Addressing on top of Axis
ws-scout -
Apache Scout Implementation of JSR 93 (JAXR)
ws-scout0 -
Apache Scout Implementation of JSR 93 (JAXR)
wsdl4j -
Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java
wsdl4j-jboss4 -
WSDL4J patched
wsdl4j16 -
Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java
xalan-j2 -
Java XSLT processor
xalan-j2-demo -
Demo for xalan-j2
xalan-j2-manual -
Manual for xalan-j2
xalan-j2-xsltc -
XSLT compiler
xerces-j2 -
Java XML parser
xerces-j2-scripts -
Additional utility scripts for xerces-j2
xml-commons -
Common code for XML projects
xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis -
JAXP 1.1, DOM2, SAX2, SAX2-ext 1.0 apis
xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis-javadoc -
Javadoc for xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis
xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis -
JAXP 1.2, DOM 2, SAX 2.0.1, SAX2-ext 1.0 apis
xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis -
JAXP 1.3, DOM 2, SAX 2.0.1, SAX2-ext 1.0 apis
xml-commons-resolver12 -
XmlResolver 1.2 from xml-commons
xml-commons-which10 -
XmlWhich 1.0 utility from xml-commons
xml-commons-which11 -
XmlWhich 1.1 from xml-commons
xml-im-exporter -
XML Im-/Exporter
xml-security -
Implementation of W3C security standards for XML
xml-stylebook -
Apache XML Stylebook
xmlgraphics-fop -
XSL-driven print formatter
xom -
XML Pull Parser
xpp2 -
XML Pull Parser
xpp3 -
XML Pull Parser
xpp3-minimal -
Minimal XML Pull Parser