text processing/markup/xml

ws-commons-XmlSchema - XmlSchema Object Model

Website: http://ws.apache.org/commons/XmlSchema/
License: Apache Software License 2.0
Vendor: JPackage Project
XMLSchema is a lightweight schema object model that can be
used to manipulate and generate XML schema representations.
It has very few external dependancies and can be easily
integrated into an existing project.


ws-commons-XmlSchema-1.4.2-1.jpp5.noarch [130 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2009-03-27):
- Upgrade to 1.4.2
ws-commons-XmlSchema-1.4.2-1.jpp5.src [6.0 MiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2009-03-27):
- Upgrade to 1.4.2

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