text processing/markup/xml

docbook-xsl-saxon - DocBook Saxon Extensions

Website: http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookXslStylesheets
License: Artistic
Vendor: JPackage Project
These are Java extensions for use with the DocBook XML stylesheets
and the Saxon XSLT engine.

To use the DocBook Saxon extensions, add the absolute path to the
docbook-xsl-saxon.jar file to your Java classpath and process your documents
with the Saxon XSLT engine and with the value of the DocBook XSL
stylesheets "use.extensions" parameter set to 1.


docbook-xsl-saxon-1.00-2.jpp5.noarch [47 KiB] Changelog by David Walluck (2008-09-18):
- rebuild
docbook-xsl-saxon-1.00-2.jpp5.src [96 KiB] Changelog by David Walluck (2008-09-18):
- rebuild

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