Development/Libraries/Application Frameworks

portals-jetspeed2: Jetspeed2 Enterprise Portal

Name:portals-jetspeed2 Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:2.0 License:Apache Software License 2.0
Release:0.cvs20050926.1jpp URL:
Jetspeed-2 is the next-generation enterprise portal at Apache. Jetspeed-2 offers several architectural enhancements and improvements over Jetspeed 1.0. First, Jetspeed-2 is conformant to the Java Portlet Standard and will provide a standard mechanism for the deployment of portlets. Second, Jetspeed-2 has matured to a more scalable architecture featuring multi-threaded functionality. Third, Jetspeed-2 is decoupled from several legacy open source projects. Fourth, Jetspeed-2 is based on a component architecture. Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML. A portal makes network resources (applications, databases and so forth) available to end-users. The user can access the portal via a web browser, WAP-phone, pager or any other device. Jetspeed acts as the central hub where information from multiple sources are made available in an easy to use manner. The data presented via Jetspeed is independent of content type. This means that content from for example XML,RSS or SMTP can be integrated with Jetspeed. The actual presentation of the data is handled via ates XSL and delivered to the user for example via the combination of Java Server Pages (JSPs) and HTML. Jetspeed provides support for templating and content publication frameworks such as Cocoon, WebMacro and Velocity. Note that outside of regular browser Jetspeed also supports WAP devices.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Fri Oct 21 23:43:57 2005
Packager:Ralph Apel <>
Size:9.71 MiB


* Fri Oct 21 12:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:2.0-0.cvs20050926.1jpp
- First JPackage build

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