
jonas-client: JOnAS files necessary for running rich clients

Name:jonas-client Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:4.3.5 License:LGPL
Release:0.20050506.1jpp URL:
The jonas-client package contains, among other things, a big jar file, client.jar, and a shell script that make possible to run "rich" clients. Install this on a machine that does not have the jonas server to be able to run this type of applications remotely.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Fri May 6 21:54:45 2005
Packager:Fernando Nasser <>
Size:21.12 MiB


* Sat May 7 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Nasser <fnasser at> -
- Upgrade to 4.3.5
* Tue Mar 29 00:00:00 2005 Fernando Nasser <fnasser at> -
- Upgrade to 4.3.4
- Do not use jakarta-commons-discovery package for now
- Do not use wsdl4j package for now
- Revert to use mx4j shipped with JOnAS for now
- Use the JOTM package
- Use the JORAM package
- Replace JCup.jar with java_cup RPM dependency
- Replace XDoclet with xdoclet dependency (contains ObjectWeb fixes)
- Remove dependency on commons-el  (comes with Tomcat)
- Add mechanism to build snapshots
- Source configuration settings in the reverse order so the JOnAS settings
  are not clobbered
- Use p6spy, jta, j2ee-connector, j2ee-deployment, j2ee-management,
  oldkilim and nanoxml packages
- Use the jonathan-* packages
- Add profile scripts to add default JONAS_ROOT
  From Permaine Cheung <pcheung at>
- Create two datasources jdbc_xa1 and jdbc_xa2 for running the JDBC Resouce
  Adapter tests and remove them when the test rpm is uninstalled
* Fri Mar 11 23:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> - 4.1.2-4jpp
- Set OPT_JAR_LIST to "ant/ant-nodeps ant/ant-apache-bcel bcel"

Listing created by RepoView-0.4.1