Development/Libraries/Application Frameworks

excalibur-store: Excalibur Store

Name:excalibur-store Vendor:JPackage Project
Version:2.1 License:Apache Software License 2.0
Release:1jpp URL:
The Store Package provides a way to store named objects without taking care about where and how they are stored. You can choose between different implementations that store the data e.g. in memory or on the file system etc.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Sep 8 18:38:04 2005
Packager:Ralph Apel <>
Size:47 KiB

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Sep 8 18:38:04 2005
Packager:Ralph Apel <>
Size:51 KiB


* Wed Sep 7 12:00:00 2005 Ralph Apel <r.apel at> 0:2.1-1jpp
- First build from this codebase

Listing created by RepoView-0.4.1