Package: digikam
Description-md5: 407b6731628654ba18b259adb132de1f
Description-is: KDE forrit til að sýsla með stafrænar ljósmyndir
 Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga,
 leita og senda myndir til og frá tölvunni þinni.
 It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
 digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
 of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for
 easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections, dates,
 geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
 processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital
 asset management (DAM) software including powerful image editing
 An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
 digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More
 than 1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course,
 any media or card reader supported by your operating system will interface
 with digiKam.
 digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools.
 You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate
 them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily
 extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)
 While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level features
 by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins,
 supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color
 management work flow.
 New Features of the KDE4 version:
  Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4
  Supports XMP metadata
  Reads, writes and converts into DNG format
  New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits
  Preview of video and audio files
  Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths,
   multiple roots and offline archives
  Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched
  Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the map
  New search finds duplicates and similar images
  Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions
  DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
  Usability improvements for netbooks
  Non-modal image editor
  Thumbnail bar in preview mode
  Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
  New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
  New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections
 digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
 capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc.
 The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.

Package: eterm
Description-md5: 32ac0d46ea64df4dd82d41c7ed7b886d
Description-is: Enlightened skjáhermir
 A terminal emulator in the spirit of xterm or rxvt, eterm uses an
 Enlightenment style config file, as well as themes.  The Imlib2 graphics
 engine is used to render images. This version supports background images,
 pixmapped scrollbars, pseudo-transparency, and POSIX threads.

Package: fbreader
Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c
Description-is: Rafbókalesari
 FBReader is an e-book reader.
 Main features:
  * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,
    palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed
    mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader
  * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip, bzip2 archives (you can have
    several books in one archive)
  * supports a structured view of your e-book collection
  * automatically determines encodings
  * automatically generates a table of contents
  * keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all open books
    between runs
  * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included)
  * searching and downloading books from and
  * partial CSS support for epub files

Package: gav
Description-md5: 07ea36d89b6cf17e94312f54a7cb7da2
Description-is: GPL Blakleikur
 GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old DOS
 game Arcade Volleyball. It includes multiplayer, networking, and themeable
 graphics support.
 More information, as well as additional themes, can be found at

Package: gkrellm
Description-md5: 73229655651f0072be499e6775eada06
Description-is: GNU Krell eftirlit
 With a single process, gkrellm manages multiple stacked monitors and
 supports applying themes to match the monitors appearance to your window
 manager, Gtk, or any other theme.

Package: gnote
Description-md5: 7d8e1d6e363a6e9deaaf777262bb05a8
Description-is: glósuforrit sem notar Wiki-tengla
 Gnote is a desktop note-taking application which is simple and easy to
 use. It lets you organise your notes intelligently by allowing you to
 easily link ideas together with Wiki style interconnects.
 It is a port of Tomboy to C++ and consumes less resources.

Package: gpixpod
Description-md5: 812979466db3897a6b2a503d271da590
Description-is: Skipuleggja myndir á iPod, frjálst!
 GPixPod is a new PyGTK application to organize photos and photo albums on
 recent photo-capable Apple iPod models, developed by Flavio Gargiulo,
 It is at the moment the free, open source and cross-platform alternative
 to iTunes for uploading photos on your iPod. Its approach to modify
 manually the elements in the Photo Database of your iPod could be also
 more useful than the syncing-only method of iTunes.
 For the GNU/Linux user, it is the perfect complement of GtkPod and similar
 programs (such as Rhythmbox, Banshee) which organize music and videos. In
 fact, managing photos was the only feature of my iPod that I was not able
 to use from my GNU/Linux box: thus I decided to write my own application,
 following the great documentation about the formats of the files on the
 iPod found on the portal.
 Nothing could have been done without the great effort in documenting done
 on that wiki. Special thanks go to Henryk Plotz, for its original concept

Package: granatier
Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a
Description-is: Bomberman klón
 Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work
 of the Clanbomber clone.
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: hv3
Description-md5: 3ff713c7d1aa6b2ba7c956da6538bb4d
Description-is: Léttur vefskoðari
 Hv3 is a cross-platform web browser with support for modern web standards
 like HTML, CSS, HTTP.
 ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript) is not supported since the corresponding
 library (SEE) is installed (not available in Debian yet).

Package: inotify-hookable
Description-md5: b4d2cca9ab33dc8d56091fa8b94b30fe
Description-is: blocking command-line interface to inotify
 inotify-hookable is a program that monitor files with Linux inotify. This
 program accepts options to specify the files to be monitored and the
 command to run when a file has changed (based in kernel inotify)
 inotify-hookable main advantage over inotifywait are:
  - command to run after watch can be specified with an option
  - emacs and vi backup files are ignored by default
  inotify-hookable -f foo.c -c 'gcc -o foo foo.c'

Package: kapman
Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b
Description-is: PacMan klóni
 Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the
 levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you,
 but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You
 win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life
 for each 10,000 points.  When you have eaten all the pills and energizers
 of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: keepassx
Description-md5: ff70b1419a5324195726f466b43aff3a
Description-is: Lykilorðaumsýsla óháð kerfum
 KeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to
 manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in
 one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you
 only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to
 unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the
 algorithms AES or Twofish.

Package: ktnef
Description-md5: 7c5aa22cb107894bb1a1c6ecdde7a1aa
Description-is: Skoðari fyrir póstviðhengi sem eru í TNEF formi.
 The TNEF File Viewer allows one to handle easily mail attachments using
 the TNEF format. Those attachments are usually found in mails coming from
 Microsoft mail servers and embed the mail properties as well as the actual
 An attachment in TNEF format is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat.
 This package is part of the KDE PIM module.

Package: libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl
Description-md5: 46ed4ee94fbbfd5e356813cc5635ed50
Description-is: Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs
 my $h = new Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry;
 $h->set(Forever => "Don't expire", 0); do {$h->set($_,"Value of $_", 1);
 sleep 2;} for qw(Have a nice day); $,=' '; print $h->elements; $h->dump;
 sleep 4; print $h->elements; $h->dump;

Package: libclass-data-accessor-perl
Description-md5: 8cd60cb88df24f04898b4e18b894906f
Description-is: Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
 Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and
 Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating
 accessors to class properties that is overridable in subclasses as well as
 in class instances.
 Til dæmis:
 will generate the method Suitcase() in the class Pere::Ubu.
 This new method can be used to get and set a piece of class property.
   $suitcase = Pere::Ubu->Suitcase;

Package: libhdhomerun1
Description-md5: 79435849e7cf051dc826499522edea1f
Description-is: Library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun
 This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. The HDHomeRun is a
 networked, two tuner digital TV tuner compatible with MythTV, SageTV, and
 Deilt aðgerðasafn

Package: libuclmmbase1
Description-md5: 3b317b250bf8af1bdca4e62b2255c194
Description-is: UCL Common Code (Multimedia) Library
 Routines common to a number of multimedia tools. This library is required
 to build RAT v3.2.7 or later, SDR, and may be needed for other UCL tools.
 Deilt aðgerðasafn

Package: lxde
Description-md5: e6ceb052901d748ec035d00167b83d3a
Description-is: Grunnpakkar fyrir LXDE skjáborðsumhverfið
 LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a new project aimed to
 provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast.
 This package is a metapackage depends on the core components and
 recommended components of the LXDE. It includes lxde-core, lxappearance,
 lxinput, lxsession-edit, lxshortcut, gpicview, lxterminal, lxmusic,
 leafpad and xarchiver.
 If you just want to pick and choose the core components then feel free to
 remove this package.

Package: muon-discover
Description-md5: 3f2baea144676a2404459b5d3dac09ea
Description-is: Forrit til að skoða, setja upp og fjarlægja forrit
 Muon Discover will help you browse through the huge applications library
 you have available and help you find the applications you're looking for.
 To install or remove software using the Center, you need administrator
 access on the computer.

Package: muon-installer
Description-md5: 492a6b75e21703ec48e232f0d1648d44
Description-is: Forrit til að skoða, setja upp og fjarlægja forrit
 The Muon Software Center lets you browse and install thousands of
 applications available for Ubuntu. You can view available applications by
 category, or search quickly by name or description. You can also examine
 the applications already installed, and remove those you no longer need.
 To install or remove software using the Center, you need administrator
 access on the computer.

Package: nted
Description-md5: eccb14fd7802bce7e814bd3631bce034
Description-is: Grafískur nótnaritill
 NtEd is a GTK+ score editor. It intends to be really WYSIWYG: what you see
 on the screen is exactly what you get on printer output. It supports up to
 4 voices per staff, drum notes, 5 lyrics lines, N-Tuplets, context
 changes, repeats with alternatives, configurable music instruments per
 staff, MIDI / MusicXML import, PS / PDF / SVG / PNG / Lilypond / MIDI
 export. Scores can be played through the ALSA sequencer.

Package: openclipart
Description-md5: e1e8f916a59458afbeac7f52c2324c39
Description-is: Opið myndaklippusafn (Open Clip Art Library)
 The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
 free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
 The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports).
 Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much
 This package is a meta package installing both the SVG and PNG (converted
 from SVG) versions.

Package: openclipart2
Description-md5: 0ebd5b310dd7c576a6932e15733dd783
Description-is: Opið myndaklippusafn (Open Clip Art Library)
 The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
 free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
 This package contains much more clipart than the standard openclipart, but
 it is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) rather than by subject
 (e.g. sports).
 This package is a meta package installing both the SVG and PNG (converted
 from SVG) versions.

Package: openshot
Description-md5: ebc391f10b45222da18ff525c26bc814
Description-is: Hönnun og vinnsla á myndskeiðum og kvikmyndum
 OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It
 can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and
 image formats. Create videos for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod,
 Xbox, and many more common formats!
 Features include:
  * Multiple tracks (layers)
  * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks
  * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping)
  * Key-frame animation
  * Video and audio effects (chroma-key)
  * Transitions (lumas and masks)
  * 3D animation (titles and physics simulations)
  * Chroma key (green screen & blue screen)
  * Transcode (convert video encodings)
  * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported)

Package: padevchooser
Description-md5: 84a0f0c4ab79fc1fd3b9f1958c4ae554
Description-is: PulseAudio tækjaval
 PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
 and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
 with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
 This is a simple Gtk tool which registers an icon in the tray area and
 allows quick access to some features of the PulseAudio sound server.
 Specifically it can do for you:
    * Notify about new sink/sources becoming available on the LAN
    * Quickly change the default PulseAudio sink/source/server assigned to
      the current X11 display, selecting devices available on the LAN
    * Start the auxiliary tools PulseAudio Volume Control, PulseAudio Volume
      Meter, PulseAudio Manager, PulseAudio Preferences

Package: paman
Description-md5: ffd140aebb0ffc3ac22929079b300600
Description-is: PulseAudio stjórnun
 PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
 and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
 with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
 PulseAudio Manager (paman) is a simple GTK frontend for the PulseAudio
 sound server. With paman you may browse most of PulseAudio's internals.
 There is support for changing the volume of sinks and sink inputs. You're
 also able to play samples from the sample cache.

Package: paprefs
Description-md5: 42f00216f7a81cc0e4548a67a7dd6802
Description-is: PulseAudio stillingar
 PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
 and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
 with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
 PulseAudio Preferences (paprefs) is a simple GTK+ based configuration
 dialog for the PulseAudio sound server.

Package: pavucontrol
Description-md5: c43956d9d08801fbaa1a405d7b6a9e6b
Description-is: PulseAudio styrkstilling
 PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK+ based volume
 control tool (mixer) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to
 classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of
 hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. It also allows
 you to redirect a playback stream to another output device without
 interrupting playback.

Package: php-auth-http
Description-md5: cc5039a009f9ae2905a9ae60a4dec638
Description-is: HTTP auðkenning
 The PEAR::Auth_HTTP class provides methods for creating an HTTP
 authentication system using PHP, that is similar to Apache's realm-based
 .htaccess authentication.

Package: pidgin-plugin-pack
Description-md5: 18577dbe1fca6f6bed00a946e5d8c8f2
Description-is: Safn viðbóta fyrir Pidgin
 Plugin pack is a collection of many simple-yet-useful plugins for Pidgin.
 A brief description of each is below.
 /exec: execute commands and optionally send their output in an IM/chat
 AutoProfile: user profile and status message content generator.
 Album: archives all buddy icons for all buddies in the user's buddy list.
 Auto Reply: auto-replies on any protocol, also can be specific to each
 . provides links to random or select quotes on and
 Buddy List Options: options to hide buddy list on creation and hide menu
 in it.
 Colorize: colorizes outgoing message text.
 Conversation Badge: shows the protocol icon in the conversation menu tray.
 DeWYSIWYGification: allows user to type in HTML without it being rendered.
 Dice: simulates the rolling of dice.
 DiffTopic: shows changes when the topic is changed in a chatroom.
 Magic 8 Ball: shows random expressions from a Magic 8 Ball toy.
 Enhanced History: an enhanced version of the history plugin.
 Flip: flips a coin and shows the result in the current conversation.
 gRIM: annoy your buddies with a timed series of messages.
 Google: writes the results of an "I'm feeling lucky" search to a
 Group IM: send an IM to a group of buddies
 Highlight: adds support for highlighting user specified words.
 Ignore: ignore either all or just chat communication from a specific
 InfoPane: use different views for the "details" information  in
 IRC Helper: Handles the rough edges of the IRC protocol.
 IRC More: adds a couple options to the IRC protocol:
        - Customized default quit/part messages.
        - A CTCP version reply.
 Irssi Features: implements many features of irssi:
        - day change notifications
        - /window, /layout, /lastlog commands
        - auto-text formatting
 List Handler: import and export buddy lists in various formats.
 Chat User List Logging: logs the list of users in a chat when you join.
 My Status Box: per-account status selectors with other features.
 Napster: NAPSTER Protocol Plugin.
 Nick Said: to jump to where your name or other words were said in a chat.
 Old Logger: stores buddy logs in flat files (legacy format).
 Plonkers: announce your ignore list to a chat room and other privacy
 Purple Schedule: Schedule reminders at specific times.
 Separate and Tab: adds two new window positioning methods.
 Sim Fix: fixes messages received from buddies using broken SIM clients.
 Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP):
     allows sending to pager servers (like sendpage or qpage) via SNPP.
 Message Splitter: splits sent messages into smaller ones of a specified
 SSL Info: adds a menu item to display info about the SSL plugin in use.
 Switch Spell: allows changing the spell-check language for each
 Timelog: view Pidgin logs that fall within specific time ranges.
 XChat Chats: makes Pidgin use XChat's indented view.
 XMPP Priority: Adds account options that allow users to specify the priorities
     used for available and away for XMPP accounts.

Package: python-asterisk
Description-md5: cd539d9fb5e0c216630735f9c6d371a2
Description-is: Asterisk Manager API interface module for Python
 The Python Asterisk package (codenamed py-Asterisk) is an attempt to
 produce high quality, well documented Python bindings for the Asterisk
 Manager API.
 The eventual goal of the package is to allow rich specification of the
 Asterisk configuration in Python rather than in the quirky, unstructured,
 undocumented mess called the Asterisk configuration files.
 Working Functionality
  Python package implementing a manager client and event dispatcher
  User-oriented command line interface to manager API
 Í vinnslu
  Introductary documentation for developers
  Asterisk module allowing dialplan configuration via the manager API
  Objects to represent the standard applications

Package: python-changelog
Description-md5: 80c63cf6dad1e4bd589db45fdbfc2820
Description-is: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files
 This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays
  Changelog for 1.5.6
  .. changelog::
      :version: 1.5.6
      :released: Sun Oct 12 2008
      .. change::
          :tags: general
          :tickets: 27
        Improved the frobnozzle.
      .. change::
          :tags: rendering, tests
          :pullreq: 8
          :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2
        Rendering tests now correctly render.

Package: python3-changelog
Description-md5: 80c63cf6dad1e4bd589db45fdbfc2820
Description-is: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files
 This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays
  Changelog for 1.5.6
  .. changelog::
      :version: 1.5.6
      :released: Sun Oct 12 2008
      .. change::
          :tags: general
          :tickets: 27
        Improved the frobnozzle.
      .. change::
          :tags: rendering, tests
          :pullreq: 8
          :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2
        Rendering tests now correctly render.

Package: supertux
Description-md5: 83819c096307dca07762d7b9f833f8be
Description-is: Klassískur 2D hopp- og hliðar-skrun leikur með Tux
 SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style
 like the original SuperMario games. You play the role of Tux the Penguin,
 who must rescue Penny from the hands of the evil Nolok.

Package: supertux-stable
Description-md5: 630b292e52e7ce0c9a566058ebd0abfd
Description-is: Klassískur 2D hopp- og hliðar-skrun leikur með Tux
 SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style
 like the original SuperMario games.

Package: systemsettings
Description-md5: 56d8c3c8ec30e2a5e58f35af147cc382
Description-is: Kerfisstillingar
 System Settings is an improved user interface for configuring the desktop
 and other aspects of the system.
 This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.

Package: tetzle
Description-md5: 9fde502f6606a471732c4289ec6d5585
Description-is: Púsl
 Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of
 sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently
 in progress games.

Package: tomboy
Description-md5: 0ac9b408adcee478aef231419f3a2e69
Description-is: glósuforrit sem notar Wiki-tengla
 Tomboy-glósuforritið er einfalt og hraðvirkt í notkun. Forritið leyfir þér
 að tengja glósurnar saman með Wiki-tenglum.

Package: totem-plugins-extra
Description-md5: 0de9f03bb118d166df22558c2940793b
Description-is: Extra plugins for the Totem media player
 Totem er einfaldur myndskeiðaspilari fyrir GNOME sem getur opnað margar
 This package contains a set of extra plugins for Totem, which allow to:
    * Discover and browse media using the Grilo DLNA plugin
    * Annotate the screen with the Gromit tool
 Additional plugins can be written in C, Python or Vala.

Package: vkeybd
Description-md5: 0d2d394ff06dcef1fd62dcb0f7ece48a
Description-is: Sýndar MIDI lyklaborð
 This program allows you to use the Linux AWE32 driver, OSS MIDI sequencer,
 or ALSA MIDI sequencer and provides "virtual" keyboard (the musical type),
 which can be "played" using the keyboard or mouse under X11.

Package: xpp
Description-md5: ecdaa12234435c80e752d3be384770e6
Description-is: X Prentstjórnun
 Graphical substitute for the lp/lpr command.  With xpp, you can control
 every printing option known to the CUPS print system (the cups package).
 Best results are available with usage of the appropriate PPD file for your
 printer.  Each user can save their own customized printing preferences.

Package: xscorch
Description-md5: 7af70b168257997d12133007d7497d08
Description-is: Klón af Scorched Earth
 Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, "Scorched Earth". The basic
 goal is to annihilate enemy tanks using overpowered guns :).  Basically,
 you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your
 turret and firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they
 destroy yours.

Package: yacas
Description-md5: 4aae435c80e1b77b47271afb623ec744
Description-is: Algebru lausnarkerfi
 Yacas is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language.
 The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small
 library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the
 language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation
 algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic.