- adaptx-javadoc - Javadoc for adaptx
- aelfred - Java-based XML parser
- aelfred-demo - Demo for aelfred
- aelfred-javadoc - Javadoc for aelfred
- aqute-bndlib - BND Library
- bsh - Lightweight Scripting for Java
- bsh-demo - Demo for bsh
- bsh-javadoc - Javadoc for bsh
- bsh-manual - Manual for bsh
- bsh2 - Lightweight Scripting for Java
- bsh2-bsf - BSF support for bsh2
- bsh2-classgen - ASM support for bsh2
- bsh2-demo - Demos for bsh2
- castor-test - Tests for castor
- castor0-test - Tests for castor0
- cometd-dojox-examples - Cometd DojoX Examples
- cometd-java - Cometd Java API
- cometd-java-api - API for cometd-java
- cyberdomo-upnp-stack - CyberDomo UPnP Stack for JDK 1.4
- cyberdomo-upnp-stack-jdk13 - CyberDomo UPnP Stack for JDK 1.3
- docbkx - Docbkx Tools
- dojotoolkit - Dojo Toolkit
- excalibur - Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components
- facelets-manual - Manual for facelets
- felix - Felix OSGI
- felix-demo - Examples from felix
- felix-http-jetty - Jetty-based http service from felix
- felix-ipojo - iPOJO service component runtime from felix
- felix-jmood - JMood JMX Management Agent from felix
- felix-maven2 - Maven2 plugins and archetypes from felix
- felix-mosgi - MOSGi remote management framework from felix
- felix-upnp - OSGi UPnP implementation from felix
- fontbox - FontBox library
- fulcrum-testcontainer - Fulcrum Test Container
- fulcrum-yaafi - Yet Another Avalon Framework Implementation
- gif89encoder - Java class library for encoding GIF's
- glassfish-jaf - Glassfish - JavaBeans Activation Framework
- glassfish-javamail - Glassfish - JavaMail API
- glassfish-jsf - GlassFish JSF
- glassfish-jstl - GlassFish JSTL
- glassfish-persistence-1.0b-api - Persistence 1.0b API from glassfish-persistence
- glassfish-persistence-impl - JPA Implementation from glassfish-persistence
- gsbase - GSBase
- hsqldb - Hsqldb Database Engine
- hsqldb-demo - Demo for hsqldb
- hsqldb-javadoc - Javadoc for hsqldb
- hsqldb-manual - Manual for hsqldb
- htmlunit - HtmlUnit
- jacorb - Free Java implementation of OMG's CORBA standard
- jacorb-jboss4 - Free Java implementation of OMG's CORBA standard
- jakarta-commons-cli - Jakarta Commons CLI, a Command Line Interface for Java
- jakarta-commons-cli-javadoc - Javadoc for jakarta-commons-cli
- jakarta-commons-parent - Commons Parent
- jakarta-oro - Full regular expressions API
- jakarta-oro-javadoc - Javadoc for jakarta-oro
- jardiff - Jar Diff Util
- java-cup - LALR Parser Generator in Java
- java-cup-javadoc - Javadoc for java-cup
- java-cup-manual - Documentation for java-cup
- java_cup - Java source interpreter
- java_cup-javadoc - Javadoc for java_cup
- java_cup-manual - Javadoc for java_cup
- javolution - Java Real Time Library
- jaxbintros - JAXB introduction
- jboss-container - JBoss Container
- jboss-dependency - JBoss Dependency
- jboss-j2se - JBoss J2SE
- jboss-jaxr - JBoss JAXR
- jboss-jbpm-bpel - JBoss JBPM BPEL
- jboss-jbpm-jpdl - BPM and workflow engine in Java
- jboss-jrunit - JBoss JRunit
- jboss-messaging - Enterprise Messaging for Java and the App Server
- jboss-microcontainer - JBoss Microcontainer
- jboss-parent - JBoss Parent POM
- jboss-profiler - Log based profiler using JVMPI and JVMTI
- jboss-profiler-webapps - WARs, SARs, Applet for jboss-profiler
- jboss-remoting - JBoss Remoting
- jboss-serialization - JBoss Serialization
- jboss-test - JBoss Test
- jbossbuild - JBoss Build
- jbossretro - JBoss Retro
- jbossts - JBoss Transaction Service
- jbossws - JBoss Web Services
- jbossws-common - JBoss Web Services (common)
- jbossws-framework - JBoss Web Services (framework)
- jbossws-native - JBoss Web Services
- jbossws-native42 - native42 component for jbossws
- jbossws-parent - JBoss Web Services (parent)
- jbossws-spi - JBoss Web Services (SPI)
- jbossxb - JBoss XB
- jchardet - Java port of mozilla's automatic charset detection algorithm
- jcifs - Common Internet File System Client in 100% Java
- jcifs-demo - Demo for jcifs
- jcifs-javadoc - Javadoc for jcifs
- jcip-annotations - Java Concurrency in Practice
- jcommon-test - Test tasks for jcommon
- jetbrains-annotations - Jetbrains Annotations
- jetty6-maven2-plugins - Maven2 plugins for jetty6
- jflex - Lexical Analyzer Generator for Java
- jflex-javadoc - Javadoc for jflex
- jlex-javadoc - Javadoc for jlex.
- jna-posix - Java POSIX emulation layer
- joni - Java Port of the Onigurama Regex Library
- joramtests - JORAM tests
- jsr107cache - JSR-107 JCache
- jtb - Java Tree Builder
- jung - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework
- jython - Java source interpreter
- jython-demo - Demo for jython
- jython-javadoc - Javadoc for jython
- jython-manual - Manual for jython
- libreadline-java - Java wrapper for the GNU-readline library
- maven-archetype - Maven Release
- maven-archetype2 - Maven Archetype 2
- maven-artifact-ant - Maven Artifact Ant
- maven-doxia - Doxia is a content generation framework
- maven-embedder - Maven Embedder
- maven-jxr - Maven JXR
- maven-model - Maven Model
- maven-release - Maven Release
- maven-scm - Maven SCM
- maven-scm-test - Tests for maven-scm
- maven-surefire - Surefire is a test framework project.
- maven-surefire-booter - Booter for maven-surefire
- maven-surefire-junit - JUnit3 Runner for maven-surefire
- maven-surefire-junit4 - JUnit4 Runner for maven-surefire
- maven-surefire-plugin - Maven2 Plugin for maven-surefire
- maven-surefire-report-plugin - Maven2 Report Plugin for maven-surefire
- maven-surefire-testng - TestNG Runner for maven-surefire
- maven-wagon - Maven Wagon
- maven2-common-poms - Common poms for maven2
- maven2-skins - Maven Skins
- mckoi - An Open Source Java SQL Database System
- modello - Modello Data Model toolkit
- modello-maven-plugin - Maven2 plugin for modello
- mojo-maven2-archetype-jellymojo - Jelly mojo archetype from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-archetype-rubyscript - Rubyscript archetype from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-archetypeng - Archetypeng plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-archetypes - Archetypes from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-changes - Changes support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-diagram-maker - Diagram Maker plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-groovy - Groovy plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-groovy-runtime10 - Groovy 1.0 support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-groovy-runtime11 - Groovy 1.1 support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-hibernate3 - Hibernate3 plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-jruby - JRuby plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-jspc-compiler-tomcat5 - Jspc5 compiler from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-jspc-compiler-tomcat6 - Jspc6 compiler from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-natives - Native plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-antlr - Antlr plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-appassembler - App assembler plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-appbundler - App bundler plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-appfuse - App fuse plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-apt - Apt plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-aspectj - Aspectj plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-axistools - Axistools plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-batik - Batik plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-build-helper - Build Helper plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-buildinfo - Buildinfo plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-buildnumber - Buildnumber plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-castor - Castor plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-cis - CIS plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-clirr - Clirr plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-cobertura - Cobertura plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-commons-attributes - Commons Attributes plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-cruisecontrol - Cruisecontrol plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-dashboard - Dashboard plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-dbunit - DbUnit plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-deb - DEB plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-delicious - Delicious plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-docbook - DocBook plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-ejbdoclet - EJB doclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-emma - Emma plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-exec - Exec plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-fileutils - Fileutils plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-findbugs - Findbugs plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-fit - FIT plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-freemarker - Freemarker plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-ganalytics - Ganalytics plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-graphing - Graphing plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-hibernate2 - Hibernate2 plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-hibernatedoclet - Hibernate doclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-hsqldb - Hsqldb doclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-ibatis - Ibatis plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-idlj - IDLJ plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-j2me - J2ME plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jalopy - Jalopy plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jardiff - Jar diff plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jasperreports - Jasperreports plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-javacc - JavaCC plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-javancss - JavaNCSS plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jaxb2 - JAXB 2 plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jaxws - JAXWS plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jboss - JBoss plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jboss-packaging - JBoss packaging plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jdepend - JDepend plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jdiff - JDiff plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jellyapi - Jelly Plugin API from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jetty - Jetty plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jettybin - Jetty bin plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jpox - JPOX plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-jspc - Jspc plugin and api from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-keytool - Keytool plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-l10n - Localization plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-legaltools - Legal tools plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-mant - Mant plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-minijar - Minijar plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-native2ascii - Native2ascii plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-netbeans-freeform - Netbeans Freeform plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-openjpa - OpenJPA plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-osxappbundle - OS/X Appbundle plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-ounce - Ounce plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-pde - PDE plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-pomtools - POM tools plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-properties - Properties plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-push - Push plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-rat - Rat plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-retrotranslator - Retrotranslator plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-retroweaver - Retroweaver plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-rmic - Rmic plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-rpm - RPM plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-rspec - Rspec plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-runtime-builder - Runtime builder plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-sablecc - Sablecc plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-script - Script plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-selenium - Selenium plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-shade - Shade testing plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-shell - Shell testing plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-shitty - Shitty testing plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-simple - Simple testing plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-smc - State machine compiler plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-springbeandoc - Spring Beandoc plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-springdoclet - Spring doclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-sql - SQL plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-sysdeo-tomcat - Sysdeo Tomcat plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-taglist - Taglist plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-tomcat - Tomcat plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-visibroker - Visibroker plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-wagon - Wagon plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-webdoclet - Web doclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-webstart - Webstart plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-wsdl2java - WSDL2Java plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xdoclet - XDoclet plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xfire - XFire plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xjc - XJC (JAXB 1) plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xml - Xml plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xmlbeans - XmlBeans plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xslt - Xslt plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugin-xsltc - Xsltc plugin from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-plugins - Maven2 plugin set from
- mojo-maven2-solaris - Solaris module from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-support - Support lib from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-wagon-cifs - CIFS wagon extension from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mojo-maven2-was - WAS plugin and support from mojo-maven2-plugins
- mysql-connector-java - Official JDBC driver for MySQL
- objectweb-anttask - ObjectWeb Ant task
- omquery - XPath interface for XT
- omquery-javadoc - Javadoc for omquery
- openorb - Java CORBA Object Request Broker
- openorb-board - openorb Management Board
- openorb-ccs - openorb Concurrency Control Service
- openorb-evaluator - openorb Evaluator Utility
- openorb-event - openorb Event Service
- openorb-ins - openorb Interoperable Naming Service
- openorb-ir - openorb Interface Repository
- openorb-notify - openorb Notification Service
- openorb-ots - openorb Transaction Service
- openorb-property - openorb Property Service
- openorb-pss - openorb Persistent State Service
- openorb-ssl - openorb SSL
- openorb-time - openorb Time Service
- openorb-tns - openorb Transient Service
- openorb-trader - openorb Trading Service
- ops4j-pax - PAX - The OSGi station at OPS4J
- pdfbox - PDFBox pdf library
- pjl-comp-filter - PJL compressing filter
- plexus-ant-factory - Plexus Component Creator
- plexus-appserver - Plexus Application Server
- plexus-archiver - Plexus Archiver Component
- plexus-bsh-factory - Plexus Component Creator
- plexus-cdc - Plexus Component Descriptor Creator
- plexus-classworlds - Default Plexus Container and Component API
- plexus-cli - Plexus Cli API
- plexus-compiler - Plexus Compiler
- plexus-component-annotations - Plexus Component Annotations
- plexus-container-default - Default Plexus Container
- plexus-containers - Default Plexus Container
- plexus-containers-component-api - Component API from plexus-containers
- plexus-containers-container-default - Default Container from plexus-containers
- plexus-digest - Plexus Digest / Hashcode Components
- plexus-i18n - Plexus I18N Component
- plexus-interactivity - Plexus Interactivity Handler Component
- plexus-io - Plexus IO Component
- plexus-jruby-factory - Plexus JRuby Creator
- plexus-mail-sender - Plexus Archiver Component
- plexus-mainclass-finder - Plexus Mainclass Finder Component
- plexus-maven-plugin - Plexus Maven Plugin
- plexus-naming - Plexus Naming Component
- plexus-registry - Plexus Registry Component
- plexus-resources - Plexus Command Line Component
- plexus-runtime-builder - Plexus Runtime Builder
- plexus-servlet - Plexus Servlet
- plexus-tools - Plexus Tools
- plexus-utils - Plexus Common Utilities
- plexus-velocity - Plexus Velocity Component
- plexus-xmlrpc - Plexus XML RPC Component
- portals-pluto10-portlet-1.0-api - Portlet 1.0 API from portals-pluto10
- portals-pluto12-portlet-2.0-api - Portlet 1.0 API from portals-pluto12
- regexp-javadoc - Javadoc for regexp
- retrotranslator - Retrotranslator
- rhino-manual - Manual for rhino
- rhino16-manual - Manual for rhino16
- sac - Java standard interface for CSS parser
- sac-javadoc - Javadoc for sac
- shale - Shale Framework
- shale-application - Shale Application Control
- shale-clay - Shale Clay
- shale-dialog - Shale Dialog Manager
- shale-dialog-basic - Shale Dialog Manager Basic Impl
- shale-dialog-scxml - Shale Dialog Manager SCXML Impl
- shale-remoting - Shale Remoting
- shale-spring - Shale Spring Integration
- shale-test - Shale Test Framework
- shale-tiger - Shale Tiger Extensions
- shale-validator - Shale Validator Integration
- shale-view - Shale View Controller
- smc - State Machine Compiler
- spring-ldap - Spring LDAP
- spring-osgi - Spring OSGi
- spring-webflow - Spring Webflow
- struts - Web application framework
- struts-el - The struts EL extension
- struts-faces - The struts-faces integration library
- struts-mailreader-dao - struts mailreader-dao library
- struts-scripting - struts scripting library
- struts-taglib - struts taglib library
- struts-tiles - struts tiles library
- struts-webapp-blank - Sample struts blank webapp
- struts-webapp-cookbook - Sample struts cookbook webapp
- struts-webapp-el-example - Sample struts EL webapp
- struts-webapp-examples - Sample struts webapp
- struts-webapp-mailreader - Sample struts mailreader webapp
- struts-webapp-scripting-mailreader - Sample struts scripting mailreader webapp
- struts-webapps-faces - Sample struts faces webapps
- sun-htmlmacro-demo - Samples for sun-htmlmacro
- sun-jaxb-2.1-impl-demo - Samples for sun-jaxb-2.1-impl
- sun-jsf-1.2-api - JSF 1.2 API from sun-jsf-1.2
- sun-jsf-1.2-impl - JSF 1.2 Implementation from sun-jsf-1.2
- tapestry - Tapestry Framework
- tiles - Apache Tiles
- tl-netty2 - Event based network application framework
- xbean - XBean plugin based server
- xfire - XFire SOAP Framework
- xfire-aegis - Aegis module from xfire
- xfire-all - All modules from xfire
- xfire-annotations - Annotations module from xfire
- xfire-castor - Castor module from xfire
- xfire-core - Core module from xfire
- xfire-generator - Generator module from xfire
- xfire-java5 - Java5 module from xfire
- xfire-jaxb - JAXB 1.0 module from xfire
- xfire-jaxb2 - JAXB 2.X module from xfire
- xfire-jaxws - JAXWS 2.0 module from xfire
- xfire-jibx - JIBX 2.0 module from xfire
- xfire-jms - JMS module from xfire
- xfire-maven-bundle-plugin - Maven2 bundle plugin from xfire
- xfire-picocontainer - Picocontainer module from xfire
- xfire-plexus - Plexus module from xfire
- xfire-spring - Spring module from xfire
- xfire-ws-security - WS-Security module from xfire
- xfire-xmlbeans - XmlBeans module from xfire
- xfire-xmpp - xmpp module from xfire
- xml-commons-resolver10 - XmlResolver 1.0 utility from xml-commons
- xml-commons-resolver11 - XmlResolver 1.1 utility from xml-commons
- xmldb-api - XML:DB API for Java
- xmldb-api-javadoc - Javadoc for xmldb-api
- xmldb-api-sdk - SDK for xmldb-api
- xmldb-common - Common package for xmldb-api
- xmlrpc - Java XML-RPC implementation
- xmlrpc2 - Java XML-RPC implementation
- xsite - Site generation tool
- xt - Fast, free implementation of XSLT in Java
- xt-dash - Fast, free implementation of XSLT in Java
- xt-dash-demo - Demo for xt-dash
- xt-dash-javadoc - Javadoc for xt-dash