
acegi-security - ACEGI spring security

License: Apache License 2.0
Vendor: JPackage Project
Acegi Security is an open source project that provides
comprehensive authentication and authorisation services for
enterprise applications based on The Spring Framework. Acegi
Security can authenticate using a variety of pluggable
providers, and can authorise both web requests and method
invocations. Acegi Security provides an integrated security
approach across these various targets, and also offers
access control list (ACL) capabilities to enable individual
domain object instances to be secured. At an implementation
level, Acegi Security is managed through Spring's inversion
of control and lifecycle services, and actually enforces
security using interception through servlet Filters and Java
AOP frameworks. In terms of AOP framework support, Acegi
Security currently supports AOP Alliance (which is what the
Spring IoC container uses internally) and AspectJ, although
additional frameworks can be easily supported.


acegi-security-1.0.7-2.jpp5.noarch [488 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2009-01-19):
- BR tomcat5 instead of tomcat5-server-lib: poms
acegi-security-1.0.7-2.jpp5.src [837 KiB] Changelog by Ralph Apel (2009-01-19):
- BR tomcat5 instead of tomcat5-server-lib: poms

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